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Digital Literacy Training: Home

What is Digital Literacy?

question mark chat bubbleDigital literacy is the ability to identify and use technology confidently, creatively and critically to meet the demands and challenges of life, learning and work in a digital society.

Being digitally literate implies having skills and capabilities across a number of domains, including the ability to

  • use technology;
  • find, use and critically evaluate information;
  • curate data and media sources;
  • communicate, collaborate and participate in online environments;
  • manage your online identity as well as your personal security and privacy; and
  • create online content, not just consume it.

Source: What is Digital Literacy?

The Purpose of This Guide

The purpose of this guide is to help provide a foundation of using technology commonly used in college and in the workforce. The guide is here to give you information when you need, anytime you need it. If you have questions, please contact me for help. 


online learningWelcome to this guide on digital literacy! In this guide you will find:

  • Information on using Microsoft 365 products including:
    • OneDrive
    • Word
    • Outlook
    • And more!
  • Information on signing into your Penn College account
  • Research tips
  • And resources to brush up on navigating P.L.A.T.O.


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Elizabeth Waugh
Madigan Library - LIB138
Sunday - Wednesday 1:00 - 9:00 pm
Thursday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Librarian for the School of Engineering Technologies and the School of Business, Arts & Sciences
570.320.2400 ext. 7742