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Grey Literature in Nursing: Google & Google Scholar

Search Google Scholar

Google Modifiers

quotation marksExact Phrase

What it does:  searches for an exact phrase

What to type:  "diabetes mellitus"

What you'll get:  results that include the exact phrase "diabetes mellitus"

negativeExclude Words

What it does:  excludes results with a particular word or phrase

What to type:  "diabetes mellitus" -symptoms

What you'll get:  results about diabetes that are not related to symptoms

tildeSimilar Words

What it does:  searches for a word and all its synonyms

What to type:  ~als

What you'll get:  results with the word ALS, as well as the phrases "amyotrophic lateral sclerosis" and "Lou Gehrig's disease"

ORMultiple Words

What it does:  searches for either word

What to type:  "lung cancer" "symptoms" OR "treatment"

What you'll get:  results about lung cancer symptoms or treatment

defineFind Meanings

What it does:  defines a word or phrase

What to type:  define:als

What you'll get:  links to definitions of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

siteSite Specific

What it does:  searches within a type of website or a specific website

What to type:  als

What you'll get:  references to information on ALS found on any .org website

What to type:  als

What you'll get:  references to information on ALS found on the Mayo Clinic website

Note:  Some websites do not have the best search mechanisms on their sites.  Use a Site Specific Google search to find information that may not come up using a site's own search.

file typeTypes of Files

What it does:  searches for specific file types

What to type:  "ovarian cancer" filetype:ppt

What you'll get:  links to PowerPoint presentations about ovarian cancer

linkLinked Pages

What it does:  searches for webpages that link to a particular website

What to type:

What you'll get:  websites that link to the ANA website

How to access Madigan Library articles & more...

Many articles in Google Scholar are free. Others are provided freely from the Madigan Library resources. If you are on-campus, Google Scholar will indicate which articles the library pays for by displaying the Get it @ Madigan Library link. These links will redirect you to the Madigan Library catalog where you can access full text articles.  If you are off-campus, click on the purple question mark to the right of the Google Scholar link for directions on how to set up your Chrome browser to display these links.


If you don't see the link to the right of the citation, look for the double-arrows:

" "

Click on the arrows to see the Get It At Madigan link:

" "

On the following page, you will see links to view the full-text or the option to request it on interlibrary loan.
