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HIS302 An Age of War: A Cultural History of World War I & II: Finding Books

Selection of WWI & WWII Biographies, Autobiographies, and Primary Sources

American Historical Fiction

This eBook provides a comprehensive list of adult and young adult historical fiction novels published through 1999. While the Madigan Library does not own all of the books listed here, you can request them from Interlibrary Loan via the link provided below.


Interlibrary Loan

How to Search for Books in WorldCat

On the search screen, click Advanced Search. 

Before you put your keywords in the search boxes:

  1. Scroll down to Format and choose Book
  2. If you want to find only books in the Madigan Library, use the default setting Penn College Madigan Library in the Location box. If you want to see books in other libraries, select Libraries Worldwide.

In addition to your chosen search terms, try the terms below to find more specific types of books:

  1. KEYWORD = memoir*autobiograph*, or personal narrative to retrieve memoirs or autobiographies.
  2. SUBJECT = fiction to retrieve fictional monographs on your search terms.

Additional Search Tips

  • combine keywords using AND and OR for more precise results
  • use "quotation marks' to search for phrases
  • to search by title, start your search with ti:
  • to search by author, start your search with au: last name, first name
  • to search by ISBN, start your search with isbn:
  • to search other libraries, select the box for Libraries Worldwide on the left side

Browse the Stacks

Call numbers D501 through D838 include a wealth of information on both World Wars. For a complete breakdown of the call number subject classifications, check out the link below.

General Histories of WWI and WWII