Once you've researched, gathered information, and written a paper, you may be asked to create a presentation based off of what you wrote about in your paper. Instead of copying a pasting paragraph after paragraph into your presentation slides, you will need to summarize the information and add the least amount of information possible to convey your ideas.
We've all been bored by text-heavy PowerPoint slides. In order to make your presentation more interesting, use charts, infographics, and relevant images to convey information and do not just read off of your slides as you present. Because you only have a few words on each slide, you can fill in the gaps by sharing what you learned and providing explanations for the information shown.
Market and consumer data and all things statistics. Downloadable data, numbers, and facts in various formats on various topics and industries.
A summary is an analysis of all of the facts, not your own ideas or comments, represented in the paper. Your paper contains so much information that you will need to break down for your presentation. Start by jotting down main ideas you have from the research you've done in the form of an outline. Then choose only the most important parts to include. Add them to your slides and use the least amount of words necessary in a bulleted list. Instead of adding all of the words of your speech onto the slides, only add the main ideas and "fill in the gaps" and provide more information as you speak. Add in useful graphics and charts with data you can discuss too. Lastly, include a list of sources showing where you got your information - just like in your paper, having the Reference list is very important.