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Bartlett: Position Argument Essay

Position Argument Essay

Your paper must be: 

  • Typed, 12 point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, four to five pages, MLA format
  • You will need to include a chart, graph, or image within your paper.
  • You must include four sources on the Works Cited page.   You also need to cite these sources internally.

Prompt:  Write an essay on a controversial issue within your career field.  Take a stand on the issue and support it with developed reasons.  Be sure to acknowledge a counter argument.  (See pages 272- 274 for guidance in organizing and developing your paper.  Consider using one of the patterns on p. 253 for your thesis statement.)


  1. Brainstorm issues within your field.
  2. Research information about your chosen issue, using databases.  Take notes, which will be turned in with your final product. Be sure to use quotation marks around exact quotes from the text.  Also be sure to write down page numbers.
  3. Organize your notes according your learning style (formal outline, working outline, etc.)
  4. Write a rough draft for your paper. (Again, I recommend using one of the formats on p. 253 for your thesis statement.)
  5. Ask someone to peer review your paper. (Refer to page 276.)
  6. Edit and revise your paper.
  7. Finalize your paper for submission.  Submit the final draft and the pre-writing materials (brainstorming, notes, outline, peer reviewed rough draft) to the Dropbox.

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