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Lamont: Writing Assignments

The Rhetorical Analysis

Use library databases to find articles that answer these questions:

  • What is the speech's cultural/historical context?
  • What is the background of the speaker?
  • How does the speaker use logos, pathos, and/or ethos to persuade his/her audience to answer his/her call(s) for action?


Movie Speeches

The Causal Argument

  • Choose your event, trend, situation, or phenomenon
  • Search initial sources to narrow/focus your topic
  • Find THREE different kinds of credible sources that:
    • Explain why something happens/happened the way it does/did
    • Explain why it is important to understand the explanation(s) for this 'effect'

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The Position/Proposal Argument

For this paper, you are asked to

  • adopt a certain philosophical position on a controversial issue.
  • support and/or take part in a particular proposal to solve the issue.

Complete your research for this paper by incorporating many diverse sources (including, but not limited to, scholarly journals, encyclopedia articles, statistics, and opinion pieces) into your paper.   

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Elizabeth Waugh
Madigan Library - LIB138
Sunday - Wednesday 1:00 - 9:00 pm
Thursday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
Librarian for the School of Engineering Technologies and the School of Business, Arts & Sciences
570.320.2400 ext. 7742

Library Assignment

Following the Scholarly Conversation

          When researching an event, trend, situation, or phenomenon, it's always beneficial to look at the present, past, and future. When you find a great article about your topic, you can:

  • Follow the path of the articles References to go back in time of the conversation
  • Follow the Cited By information to go forward in time in the scholarly conversation.

This way, you get an entire picture of the scholarly conversation. Where does your writing and argument fit in this conversation?! Use the tabs at the top to see how you follow this conversation.


         When you find a great article for your research, you can look back in time BEFORE the article was written to see what was published before that article. You do this by looking at the articles References, Works Cited, or links the article references.

Below is an example in the Proquest database:


          When you find a great article for your research, you can look forward in time AFTER the article was written to see what was published after that article. You do this by looking at the articles Cited By references.

Below is an example in the Google Scholar:
