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ENL201 Technical and Professional Communication (Davner): Library Resources

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Check out subject specific databases

You can also find databases that are specific to your subject area on our A-Z database list. Subject specific databases will give you more relevant results than general databases, saving you time by making your searching more efficient. 

Remember the following important tips and tricks when searching databases to help you get the best results:

  • Use OR between keywords to expand the number of results you're getting 

solution or problem - will return results including both keywords

  • Use AND or NOT between keywords to reduce the number of results and retrieve more specific results

airplane and electric - will return results including both keywords

welding not automotive - will return results about the first keyword, excluding any results that also mention the second keyword

  • Use an asterisk ( * ) after the root of word to include any singular, plural, and other variations of the word 

nurs* - will return results containing nurse, nurses, nursing, etc.

  • Use quotation marks ( " " ) to search for exact phrases

"industrial internet of things" - will return only results that include that exact phrase (not the individual words within the phrase