Have a question for Library Confidential?
Tracey Amey
Director of the Madigan Library
Judy Zebrowski
Librarian, Information Literacy Initiatives
Wikipedia defines a digitally literate person as someone who will:
possess a range of skills, knowledge of basic principles of computing devices, skills in using computer networks, an ability to engage in online communities and social networks while adhering to behavioral protocols, be able to find, capture and evaluate information, an understanding of the societal issues raised by digital technologies, and possess critical thinking skills.
First, and foremost, I intentionally read and quoted Wikipedia's entry on digital literacy. I did so because I think the acceptance of Wikipedia as a legitimate source for information seeking represents a change from how many in the public and in education perceived the free, collaboratively written and developed resource. Comprehending the content, making connections between content areas, and sharing valued content in a way that makes it accessible and current to all - this is all a process of adopting new learning domains and developing new skills to successfully navigate those domains. Using Wikipedia in an intentional way to create and discuss topics that crossover many content areas is an example of digital literacy.
But how essential is digital literacy in today's workplace? According to the Department of Commerce, "96% of working Americans use new communications technologies as part of their daily life, while sixty-two percent of working Americans use the Internet as an integral part of their jobs." Employers feel that there is an overwhelming need for knowledge on how to access and handle data appropriately and in particular to be able to use and benefit from engaging with social media in the workplace (The Chartered Institue for IT).
How well are your students prepared to work in the Digital Age?
It's the Tool ... You're the Teacher
by Judy Zebrowski
As educators, our common goal is all about student learning. We wax and wane about the pros and cons of the use of teaching with technology, and what devices we allow and/or encourage students to use in the classroom. Technology is a tool, the vehicle we choose, when appropriate, to advance and enhance student learning. We strive to facilitate learning experiences for 21st century learners to be relevant and meaningful to achieve core competencies.
Pedagogy determines the technology. Consider the following when making those choices.
What Is Digital Literacy?
Why Is Digital Literacy Important?
Five reasons why you should 'do digital'
How Can We Embed Digital Literacy into the Classroom?
Learning Is Not About the Technology
Let's Talk About Learning, Not Technology
Blended Learning: It's Not the Tech, It's How the Tech is Used
ELI 7 Things You Should Read About - Faculty Digital Fluencies and Frameworks (2015, January).
Retrieved from
Chtena, Natascha. (2014, Nov. 30). 5 Reasons To Allow Digital Devices In Your Classroom.
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Fister, Barbara. (2015, May 28). Digitally Divided.
Retrieved from
Thrift, Nigel. (2013, May 16). Paying Attention in the Digital Age.
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