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Madigan Library Tutorial Trials: Directions

Welcome to the Madigan Library Tutorial Trials

computer with social media pages openWelcome to the Madigan Library trial tutorial guide. As the Madigan Library Tutorial is continually updated and kept current, the librarians are asking for your input on our new videos and quizzes. Thank you for helping us, and we value your feedback!

Typically, we will update and trial one tutorial at a time. Potential tutorial topics include:

  • Creating a Research Strategy
  • How to Use the Library Catalog
  • Scholarly, Popular, and Trade Resources
  • How to Use a Database
  • Evaluating Information
  • Acknowledging Sources

Tutorial Trial Directions

Our tutorial trial consists of three steps:

  1. View the new tutorial video
  2. Complete the updated quiz
  3. Share your feedback on the resources

Please navigate to the pages on this guide to begin. If you have any problems accessing the trial tutorial, please contact us. Thank you for your help!

Step 1: View the Video

Please view the updated tutorial video. We have recorded an all-new video to add to the Library Tutorial which provides a basis of library knowledge to better prepare students for their classes at Penn College and beyond. 

laptop with quiz on itStep 2: Complete the Quiz 

Please complete the updated quiz that is paired with the tutorial video. Don't worry, you won't receive a grade on the quiz; we are trialing the new video and quiz to see how well the video teaches to the questions asked on the quiz. 

checklistStep 3: Share Your Feedback

Please share your feedback on ways we can improve the new video and quiz. Share what you liked and didn't like; we appreciate your honest opinions, impressions, and thoughts!

Contact Us with Questions

Thank You!

sticky note with thank you written on itThank you for your time and participation, your feedback is valuable to ensure that our tutorials and quizzes can best serve our students.

Please feel free to share any thoughts, suggestions for improvement, and opinions about the new video and quiz so that the updated resources are the best they can be.