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NUR329 Community Health Nursing for the Practicing RN: Overview

Your Assignment, Keywords, and Setting Up a Search Strategy

Use the following sites only to find keywords and phrases that you can then use as search terms when searching for articles and books.

health care (noun):  a set of actions by a person or persons to maintain or improve the health of a patient/consumer


  • I have developed a plan for my patient’s health care.
  • A heavier emphasis on preventive health care by patients and providers will improve health outcomes and quality of life.
  • The RNs in this practice provide the majority of the health care for their patients.
  • Special case: hyphenated adjectival form of “health care”
    • Health-care services have become more expensive and more complex over the last 50 years.
    • The health-care needs of the patients in this hospital wing are much higher than the needs of the average patient.

healthcare (noun or adjective):  a system, industry, or field that facilitates the logistics and delivery of health care for patients/consumers


  • Noun
    • I hope to work in healthcare one day.
    • Healthcare’s number and diversity of players grew significantly over the course of the twentieth century.
    • Modern healthcare requires both skilled clinicians and savvy, experienced business professionals to be effective and successful.
  • Adjective
    • The healthcare IT industry has been booming as a result of the strong demand for population analytics and effective electronic health record (EHR) systems.
    • Healthcare reform has been a tough but important process to address many of the systematic failures of the healthcare system.
    • Many former Wall Street professionals are moving into healthcare finance as a result of the industry’s massive growth.
  • Use quotation marks around phrases and an asterisk * to truncate a word (except in PubMed):
    • "infant mortality"
    • mortality AND "cardiovascular disease"
    • "life expectancy" AND male* (the * will search for male or males)
    • "life expenctancy" AND female*
    • percentage AND "normal body mass"
    • "health care delivery system*"
    • GDP AND ("health care expenditure*" OR "health care cost*")
    • healthcare AND (benefit* OR limitation*)
      Although the article may talk about these but never mention the words "benefit" or "limitations",  think of some terms that may be a "benefit"  or a "limitation".  e.g., Germany AND "health care insurance" AND "United States"
  • You may have to search separately and then compare two articles, e.g. search "United States" AND "infant mortality" then search for Germany AND "infant morality" and compare.
  • Write out "United States" (do not use US or U.S.)
  • Limit your search by date range.
  • Limit the article's language to English.


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