For your Persuasion Paper, you will:
I recommend using the Gale In Context: Global Issues database and the Gale in Context: Opposing Viewpoints database for this paper.
Focuses on broad issues, such as war, genocide, terrorism, human rights, poverty, famine, globalization, world trade, nuclear proliferation, and global warming, as well as more specific events and topics in the news.
We all have busy schedules, and coming to the Madigan Library for research help can seem impossible. Fortunately for you, the databases and catalog are available online 24/7 so you can search from anywhere, anytime.
If you are off campus, you will need to enter your network username and password--the same login credentials you use to log onto a computer on campus--to have access to the databases.
For your Research Paper, you will:
I recommend using the Gale databases that you used for the Persuasive Paper and ProQuest, WorldCat, and Academic Search Complete. I also linked to the entire list of database that we subscribe to that you can browse and use.
Search the majority of our ProQuest databases at one time. Subjects include the arts, business, health & medicine, history, literature, science & technology, and social sciences.
Market and consumer data and all things statistics. Downloadable data, numbers, and facts in various formats on various topics and industries.
Each databases have hundreds of thousands of resources. In order to find results that you want, your search terms to be specific. Use these tips to search the databases:
*: AND, OR, and NOT are called Boolean operators or search operators.