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Search the selected Hospitality & Culinary Arts Databases listed below for articles specific to your topic.
When you select an article, look for a "cite" icon and choose your course-specified citation style to cite your source.
Articles from major cooking and nutrition magazines, book reference content from About Wine, Introduction to Catering, Advanced Bread and Pastry, and Eat Fit Be Fit.
Scholarly journals, magazines, and trade publications on cultural and economic aspects of travel and tourism. Coverage of historical and current affairs in hospitality and tourism industries.
Search the majority of our ProQuest databases at one time. Subjects include the arts, business, health & medicine, history, literature, science & technology, and social sciences.
Includes global food culture and international recipes; culture and ingredient articles, and essential culinary resources.
Research on virtually any technical topic, including: computing science; healthcare; building trades; auto mechanics; sales and retail; accounting; graphic design; and photography.