Guides and handbooks are reference manuals usually consulted for basic information or instruction, quick fact-finding, or for a concise and authoritative survey of a topic.
Provides information in: Circuits and Networks, Electric Power Systems, Electronics, Computer-Aided Design and Optimization, VLSI Systems, Signal Processing, Digital Systems and Computer Engineering, Digital Communication and Communication Networks, Electromagnetics and Control and Systems.
For ease of use, this edition has been divided into the following subject sections: general principles; materials and processes; control, power electronics and drives; environment; power generation; transmission and distribution; power systems; sectors of electricity use. New chapters and major revisions include: industrial instrumentation; digital control systems; programmable controllers; electronic power conversion; environmental control; hazardous area technology; electromagnetic compatibility; alternative energy sources; alternating current generators; electromagnetic transients; power system planning; reactive power plant and FACTS controllers; electricity economics and trading; power quality.
Covers green technologies such as smart grids, smart meters, renewable energy, and cogeneration plants. Modern computer applications and methods for securing computer network infrastructures that control power grids are also discussed. Featuring hundreds of detailed illustrations and contributions from more than 75 global experts, this state-of-the-art volume is an essential tool for every electrical engineer.
From portable CD drivers to heavy industry behemoths, this title covers various useful facts about electric motors. It includes traction applications, the solid-state motor-drive controllers, electrical and mechanical parameters, specifications, shapes, performance, and protection.
Completely revised to reflect the 2012 National Electrical Safety Code (NESC), the Handbook provides in-depth information on overhead and underground distribution and transmission lines. The latest OSHA, ANSI, and ASTM standards are emphasized throughout.
Provides easy-to-follow details on constructing, operating, and maintaining both overhead and underground electric distribution and transmission lines. Helpful charts, tables, diagrams, equations, and definitions are included throughout.