Resources for the nursing specialty that provides holistic care to individuals with mental disorders or behavioral problems so as to promote their physical and psychosocial well-being.
Provides access to medical textbooks, thousands of images and illustrations, interactive self-assessments, case files, time-saving diagnostic and point-of-care tools.
Clinical chapters follow the nursing process framework and progress from theory to application, preparing you for practice with real-world examples. Includes illustrated explanations of the neurobiology of disorders, DSM-5 criteria for major disorders, and nursing care plans.
Clinically-based guide offers quick and easy access to the latest psychiatric nursing care planning guidelines for a range of settings including the inpatient unit, home care, or community mental health setting.
Delivers an evidence-based, holistic approach to psychiatric nursing practice, focusing on both physiological and psychological disorders, and addresses both the biological and behavioral components of mental illness.
Presents behavioral disorders from the perspective of what is seen in medical settings. The goal is to help clinicians manage common behavioral conditions that most often present in a medical setting. Identifies physical symptoms as a common mode of presentation of mental health problems and describes how to integrate them with psychological symptoms to make diagnoses of mental disorders.
Delivers consistent, easy-to-follow coverage of the most common on-call problems and approaches, including what to do from the initial phone call, questions you should ask to assess the urgency of each situation, "Elevator Thoughts," how to immediately identify major threats to life, what to do at the bedside, and how to avoid common mistakes for every call.