Welcome to this guide created to provide research on student success and retention efforts. The guide is divided into pages that contain information on different student populations and the what services and support systems they require to attain a degree. The populations focused on are:
If you have any questions, please contact me.
Full-text coverage of peer-reviewed, scholarly journals in social sciences, business, humanities, science, medicine, dentistry, radiology, nursing, emergency medicine, biology, materials science, engineering, and sports medicine.
In order to increase retention and use the resources on this guide to increase retention, you can map the resources on the guide to the ASCEND framework. The framework is:
The pages on the guide are broken down into various populations and can be mapped to the ASCEND framework. Overlap exists between populations and some students will be member of multiple populations listed on this guide. Please share this guide with anyone that would find this information beneficial.
The resources linked on this guide are available within our databases. If you are accessing the resources from off-campus, you will need to sign in to view them. Due to the overlap of subjects, a number of the resources could apply to other populations listed too.