Covers social issues and includes pro and con viewpoint articles, reference articles, full-text magazines, academic journals, newspapers, primary source documents, government and organizational statistics, multimedia, and links to pertinent websites.
Focuses on broad issues, such as war, genocide, terrorism, human rights, poverty, famine, globalization, world trade, nuclear proliferation, and global warming, as well as more specific events and topics in the news.
Search the majority of our ProQuest databases at one time. Subjects include the arts, business, health & medicine, history, literature, science & technology, and social sciences.
A scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database including periodicals and peer-reviewed journals.
Simplifies browsing through Gale's publications and documents in one platform.
Full-text coverage of peer-reviewed, scholarly journals in social sciences, business, humanities, science, medicine, dentistry, radiology, nursing, emergency medicine, biology, materials science, engineering, and sports medicine.
Market and consumer data and all things statistics. Downloadable data, numbers, and facts in various formats on various topics and industries.
A broad general reference resource with a wide range of the most utilized subjects and topics in scholarly journals, professional and trade publications, and general interest magazines.
Peer-reviewed, full-text articles covering the physical and social sciences, technology, medicine, engineering, the arts, technology, literature, and others.
Includes news, magazines, and periodical articles of general interest topics and academic disciplines.
Digitized back runs of scholarly journals dating back to the 1600s. The past 1-5 years of current titles may not be available. Subjects include arts, business and economics, history, humanities, law, medicine and health, science and mathematics, and more.
Titles covering Art, Architecture, Design, History, Philosophy, Music, Literature, Theatre and Cultural Studies.
Search 16 ProQuest social science databases at once.
Information on significant people, events, and topics in U.S. History. Includes full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, images, videos, audio files, and links to vetted websites.
Scholarly journals and magazines covering events in U.S. history.
Indexing and full-text of academic journals covering social science disciplines including anthropology, criminology, economics, education, political science, psychology, social work and sociology.
Information on significant people, events, and topics in World History. Includes full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, images, videos, audio files, and links to vetted websites.
Digitized back runs of scholarly journals dating back to the 1600s. The past 1-5 years of current titles may not be available. Subjects include arts, business and economics, history, humanities, law, medicine and health, science and mathematics, and more.
A broad general reference resource with a wide range of the most utilized subjects and topics in scholarly journals, professional and trade publications, and general interest magazines.
Full-text articles from scholarly journals and literary magazines are combined with critical essays, work and topic overviews, full-text works, and biographies to provide a wealth of information on authors, their works, and literary movements.
Provides access to literary works and authors throughout history. Includes full-text poems and poetry citations, short stories, speeches, and plays. Also includes secondary materials like biographies, images, and more.
Academic journals and magazines focusing on the communications field. Key subjects covered in the database include advertising and public relations, literature and writing, linguistics, and more.
Leading political science and international relations journals, providing full-text of many core titles. Also includes working papers, conference proceedings, country profiles, political news and other sources.
Contains reports, handbooks, briefing papers, legal and policy submissions, and fact sheets exploring and advocating on issues of human rights and justice.
Insight on unorthodox or fringe groups from both right and left leaning groups of the political spectrum.
Articles on crime, causes and impacts, legal and social implications, and litigation and crime trends. Includes correctional and law enforcement trade publications, crime reports, crime blogs and more for careers in criminal justice and law enforcement.
A legal research database including the national law library, cases, statutes, regulations, court rules, and bar publications. Includes all 50 state courts, statutes, administrative regulations codes & orders, court rules & instructions, and all state constitutions.
Indexing and full-text law reviews, law journals, specialty law and Bar Association journals and legal newspapers. Covers federal and state cases, laws and regulations, legal practice and taxation, British Commonwealth, European Union, and international law.
Volumes sourced from the Lillian Goldman Law Library at Yale University and the Law Library of Congress. Includes legal primary sources: U.S. state codes, municipal codes, constitutional conventions and compilations, and others.
Records and briefs brought before the nation's highest court by legal practitioners. Includes transcripts, applications for review, motions, petitions, supplements, and others that resulted in landmark decisions. Also includes all laws created in American history.
Full-text documents from Anglo-American trials. Includes trial transcripts, printed accounts of trials for murder, adultery, and other crimes; unofficially published accounts of trials, official records of proceedings, and arbitration sessions.
Full-text Anglo-American legal treatises. Archive of American and British law with literature in U.S. and British legal history. Features casebooks, local practice manuals, form books, works for lay readers, pamphlets, letters, speeches, and others.
Previously classified federal records from the 20th & 21st centuries from the presidential libraries and various executive agencies.
Containing hearings and committee prints, legislative histories on the landmark legislations, CRS and GAO reports, briefs from major Supreme Court cases, and publications from the Commission on Civil Rights.
Explores cultural differences and contributions and influences in the global community.
Legal materials on slavery in the United States and the English-speaking world, including every colonial, state, and federal statute and case, Congressional debates through 1880, and 19th century pamphlets and books on slavery.
Access to part II: Slave Trade in the Atlantic World and part III: The Institution of Slavery. Includes collections on the transatlantic slave trade and the legal and economic aspects of the slavery system from the 16th-19th centuries.
Political, social, and cultural history of native peoples in North America. Covers the history of American Indian tribes and supporting organizations.
Primary sources for the historical study of sex, sexuality, and gender. Examines sexual norms over time, health, developments of sex education, the rise of sexology, gender roles, social movements and activism, erotica, and many others.
Charts the gay rights movement in America, showing the civil rights codified into law in the 20th and 21st centuries, as well as the inequalities that still exist today.
Multidisciplinary, full-text mainstream periodicals, gray literature, and alternative press on critical issues and events of women's lives from around the globe. Includes literature from leading research institutes and grass roots organizations that is rarely indexed.
Scholarly journals and magazines covering topics including gender studies, family and marital issues, and more.
Contains citations to journal articles, books, chapters in books, and dissertations published as far back as 1806, in the field of psychology, as well as related disciplines like education, medicine, psychiatry, law, and social work.
Academic journals and magazines that cover the study of emotions, personality, and the human mind.
Provides access to education literature and resources of full-text documents from ERIC back to 1966.
Top educational publications including literature on primary, secondary, and higher education, special education, home schooling and adult education.
Academic journals, reports, and reference sources in education. Subjects include administration, bilingual education, child development and psychology, funding, health education, technology, and testing.
The nation’s largest newsroom covering colleges and universities. Real-time news, deep insights, essential tools, career opportunities, and knowledge to succeed in a rapidly changing world.
International periodicals for religious & spiritual studies, covering theological studies, recent trends, and scholarly thought. Titles from religious publishing bodies and nondenominational organizations reflecting a wide spectrum of religious belief systems.
Scholarly journals and magazines covering topics across a range of philosophies and religions. Includes theological approaches to social issues, impacts of religion on culture throughout history, including literature, arts, and language.
A scholarly, multi-disciplinary full-text database including periodicals and peer-reviewed journals.
Comprises more than 37 million citations for biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books. Be sure to use this link to see full-text options available through Madigan Library.
Covers all major clinical and healthcare disciplines, including medical sciences, immunology, pharmacy and pharmacology, nursing, physical fitness and hygiene, and surgery, as well as consumer health and health administration.
Medical and professional periodicals, health and fitness magazines, and reference books and pamphlets, as well as hundreds of videos demonstrating medical procedures and live surgeries. Intended for informational purposes only.
Provides broad content coverage including 50 nursing specialties, speech and language pathology, nutrition, general health and medicine and more.
Full-text coverage of peer-reviewed, scholarly journals in social sciences, business, humanities, science, medicine, dentistry, radiology, nursing, emergency medicine, biology, materials science, engineering, and sports medicine.
Search across many disciplines and sources for scholarly articles, theses, books, abstracts, patents and court opinions, from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other reputable websites.
What are "scholarly" or "peer-reviewed" articles?
For a more extensive list of characteristics, see the following guide:
The Madigan Library's databases can be accessed from wherever you are, 24 hours a day/7 days a week.
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