Contains PANCE and PANRE practice questions and exams. Detailed scoring feedback by topic, subject and category. Please contact Melissa Sedor, Acting Director of the Physician Assistant Program, at 570-320-2400, ext. 7811, for usability.
Provides practice questions and test reviews for the PANCE and PANRE. Please contact Melissa Sedor, Acting Director of the Physician Assistant Program, at 570-320-2400, ext. 7811 for usability.
Students must create a personal account while on-campus using a link from one of the library's Web pages, course guides, or research guides.
Features more than 1,400 targeted practice questions formatted similarly to what you’ll see on exam day, individualized skills reports, and customizable features that allow you to focus on the areas you need help with the most. Available on the App Store and Google Play.
Instructions to access the app:
To become a certified PA, you must pass the Physician Assistant National Certifying Exam (PANCE), a computer-based, multiple-choice test comprising questions that assess general medical and surgical knowledge.
Your alumni status allows you to access our databases only in the Madigan Library, not from off campus.
If you are taking boards after graduation, you must get what you need from these resources before commencement.
Please contact Joshua Bower, Director of the Physician Assistant Program, at 570-320-2400, ext. 2762 for usability.
The following exam prep books are kept on reserve at the Main Circulation Desk under PHA PANCE.