Journal of Child Sexual Abuse by RoutledgeThe Journal of Child Sexual Abuse is interdisciplinary and interfaces among researchers, academicians, attorneys, clinicians, and practitioners. The journal advocates for increased networking in the sexual abuse field, greater dissemination of information and research, a higher priority for this international epidemic, and development of effective assessment, intervention, and prevention programs. Divided into sections to provide clear information, the journal covers research issues, clinical issues, legal issues, prevention programs, case studies, and brief reports, focusing on three subject groups - child and adolescent victims of sexual abuse or incest, adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse or incest, and sexual abuse or incest offenders. Research, treatment approaches and techniques, prevention, intervention, and other programs concerning any of these groups are general categories of the published articles and brief reports. The articles emphasize applying research, treatment, and interventions to practical situations so the importance of the results will be clear. The Journal of Child Sexual Abuse covers a wide array of important topics, including: effectiveness of treatment and interview techniques, use of assessment methods and self-report measures, including plethysmography for offenders, evaluation of sexual abuse allegations, forensic issues and "expert testimony" characteristics and identification of male and female offenders, survivors, and victims, long-term effects of sexual abuse, prevention programs and their effectiveness, intrafamily versus extrafamily abuse, ritualized abuse, PTSD, dissociative and multiple personality disorders related to sexual abuse, chemical dependency and eating disorders related to sexual abuse, ethnic and multicultural issues, the backlash movement and its effects on clinicians, effectiveness of legal, criminal justice, medical, social, and clinical intervention programs. Additional topics include international policy and decisionmaking with respect to sexual abuse, school and family interventions, theoretical models and their applications, psychopharmacology, ethical issues, training issues, mandatory reporting, and legal issues. Full text in CINAHL Complete database from 2000 to present with 18 month embargo.