Research guides (also called guides, Library Guides, and the shortened name, LibGuides) are basically webpages that contain helpful resources like databases, websites, videos, and more. Guides can be on virtually any subject and can benefit any class. Not every class uses LibGuides, so if you don't find one for your class, don't worry. The guides are arranged by:
- group--which divides the various subjects areas into broader categories. For example: Health Sciences is one broad "group."
- subject--which splits the groups into smaller sub-groups. Instead of one large Business & Hospitality group, now there are categories for Marketing, Accounting & Finance, and Business Administration.
- type--this separates the guides into Course Guides, General Purpose Guides, Subject Guides, and Topic Guides.
- and librarian--Research Guides are created by Madigan Library librarians. Here you can browse through the list of a specific librarians Research Guides.
Depending on what information you want to find, the research guides can point you in the right direction.