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NUR274 Topics in Nursing: Values & Conflict


Videos on Demand

The following videos are part of the Films on Demand: Nursing Collection which is licensed for use by current students, faculty, and staff. Off-campus use requires a current PCT username and password.

Communication Skills for Nurses

Communication Skills for Nurses

Employs a combination of dramatized scenarios, ward footage, and expert commentary from health professionals, to explain communication in a health care setting. Discusses effective communication, examines blocking behaviors, demonstrates how to break bad news, provides strategies for effective handovers, and provides tips for responding appropriately to aggression.

Watch the Video | Length:  22:02

Nursing Communication Skills

Nursing Communication Skills

Covers the fundamentals of good communication as applied to the nursing profession, and how to ensure that information is uniformly shared across all members of the staff and the patient. Dedicated segments focus on common barriers to communication, nonverbal communication, electronic communication, as well as special attention to both nurse-physician interactions and nurse-patient interactions. The importance of HIPAA confidentiality rules are reinforced throughout.

Watch the Video | Length:  41:49

effective decision-making for nurses

Effective Decision-Making for Nurses

Explores the nursing process as a framework for decision-making; from assessment and planning, to implementation and evaluation.

Watch the Video | Length:  17:40


Strengthening Nurse-to-Nurse Relationships:  A Guide to Ending Horizontal Hostility

Strengthening Nurse-to-Nurse Relationships: A Guide to Ending Horizontal Hostility

Examines the nature and sources of hostility among nurses. Discusses communication skills and other remedies, as well as ways to improve the culture of nursing.

Check out the DVD | Length:  24:00

Professional Behavior in Healthcare Professions:  Professionalism and Self-Presentation

Professional Behavior in Healthcare Professions: Professionalism and Self-Presentation

Examines professional behavior. Covers communication with peers and other health professionals, effective conflict management, professional appearance, the chain of command and the shared roles of all healthcare providers, and the importance of understanding one's professional role.

Check out the DVD | Length:  23:00