Repositories of information from academic institutions not published in commercial form, such as:
Departmental and research institution reports
Unpublished research, such as:
Learning objects
Working documents
Preprint manuscripts
Scientific or research data sets
What is the value of higher education?
Have themes tied to grants and funding from governmental organizations.
Lack political bias, but may reflect academic specialties that focus on a specific field of research within a broader discipline (e.g., geriatric nursing or violence and trauma within nursing).
Provide avenues for faculty researchers to communicate working papers and ideas at an early stage of research.
Quality-assured, global Directory of Open Access Repositories. Search and browse through thousands of registered repositories based on a range of features, such as location, software or type of material held.
United to transform the conduct of cancer research through collaborative clinical trials and observational studies that seek to improve the lives of cancer patients in the diverse communities they serve by leveraging the scientific and clinical expertise of Big Ten universities.
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