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Biographies: Authors

A biography is a detailed description or account of someone's life and the times, which is told by a different author. In addition to impersonal facts, it also portrays the subject's experience of those events.

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Search Tip:

Click on Person Search, which will return items that were written by that person or that contain a significant amount of information about him or her.  Remember: Several people may have the same name. There will be a way to narrow your search further once you get to this page.  Once you select the correct author, click on Biographies under the Content Type heading.

Search for Books

Search Tips

  • Search your author as a keyword using quotation marks:  "stephen king"
  • To search your author as a subject (books about him/her), start your search with su:last name, first name
  • To search for books written by your author (his/her works), start your search with au:last name, first name
  • Use Advanced Search to combine search categories, as well as limit by date, format, etc.
  • To search other libraries, select Libraries Worldwide

Books in the Library Collection