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Collection Development Plan: Introduction


The Madigan Library Collection Development Plan was originally developed by Pat Scott, Collection Development Librarian and Associate Professor, in May 2000, and is based on Lane Community College Library's Collection Development Policy.


  • October 10, 2007, Pat Scott, Collection Development Librarian and Associate Professor
  • September 22, 2020, Georgia Laudenslager, Lead Librarian and Associate Professor
  • March 16, 2023, Georgia Laudenslager, Lead Librarian and Associate Professor (based on Bemidji State University's Collection Development Policy)

This policy will be reviewed and revised annually, or as necessary, to reflect the rapidly changing environment of information.

Purpose & Audience

The purpose of this plan is to provide guidance to Madigan Library librarians, faculty, administration, and staff for the development and management of collections that support the curriculum at Pennsylvania College of Technology.  The plan defines the library's collections, guidelines regarding selection, acquisition, preferred formats, and weeding/deselection of resources.

Institutional Description & Clinetele Served

Penn College serves over 4,200 undergraduate and graduate students in over 100 majors across the main campus and two satellite campuses.



Individual programs within the college are accredited/certified by bodies including: