The Madigan Library fully supports Penn College's Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Statement and selects resources for the library that uphold these values:
We believe that differences have the power to challenge our perceptions. Invite exploration. Propel learning to new heights. And strengthen our community for the centuries to come. That’s why Pennsylvania College of Technology is wholly committed to creating an inclusive campus—one that welcomes all. We are dedicated to removing barriers and fostering a culture of belonging. In sync with our vision, we strive to cultivate a diverse community of innovators and creators determined to shape a better tomorrow. Because diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging matter. Because you matter.
We are determined in our work to:
We also strive to incorporate the values and guidelines for diverse collections provided by the ALA Interpretation of the Bill of Rights and ACRL Standards for Diversity:
Diverse Collections: Collection development should reflect the philosophy inherent in Article I of the Library Bill of Rights: “Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves. Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background or views of those contributing to their creation.” A diverse collection should contain content by and about a wide array of people and cultures to authentically reflect a variety of ideas, information, stories and experiences. ALA, Amended 2019
ACRL Diversity Standard 4: Development of collections, programs and services: Librarians and library staff shall develop collections and provide programs and services that are inclusive of the needs of all persons in the community the library serves.
While these guidelines provide a good foundation, we are committed to striving further. The library faculty are currently working on projects to assess the content of the collections and actively seek resources and formats to reflect diverse and underrepresented voices, and more importantly, unheard voices. Our work on this will be ongoing, as we continue to learn and apply this knowledge to developing our collections. We are learning from other institutions who have been pioneering these efforts and will be investigating their strategies as well as planning our own.