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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Healthcare: Basic & Advanced Search

Searching: Filtering & Limiting Tools

The Basic Search Results Page includes seven additional search filtering options, allowing you to research a broad topic such as "mental health" and then further narrow your search results by filtering for specific subjects, authors, names of work, publication title, document type and 'person - about', as well as an option to execute an additional key word search within your initial results.

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Advanced Search is a great option to quickly generate a targeted list of research results set on one or more search terms and limiters. Advanced Search is a great starting point for a researcher with a well defined research topic.

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In addition to providing multiple search fields and limiters, the Advanced Search also offers Search Tips, which provides information on how to utilize Boolean Operators, Proximity Operators, Nesting, and Special Characters to refine and optimize you search. 

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