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Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in Healthcare: Gale In Context

What is Gale In Context?

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The Gale In Context family of resources provides students with current, authoritative, media-rich information. Each topically focused database integrates trusted academic content with a diverse array of periodical titles, reference content, audio files, video clips, and news titles.

Research Tools

Each Gale In Context resource offers hundreds of topically focused Issue and Topic Pages. These pages cover a broad spectrum of topics, issues, countries, states, eras, events and more. They have been carefully curated by editorial staff to provide a diverse variety of authors and viewpoints. 

Each Gale In Context resource contains it's own curated section of Issue or Topic Pages covering various subjects like "Society and Culture" in Gale In Context: Global Issues, "National Debate Topics" in Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints, and "Health and Medicine" in Gale In Context: Science.

Gale In Context:  Global Issues - 682 Issue Pages

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Gale In Context:  Opposing Viewpoints - 480 Issue Pages

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Gale In Context:  Science - 694 Issue Pages

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Topic/Issue Page Layout

Each topic page acts as a research starting point and content hub for a particular subject, such as "Water Rights"  or "Access to Health Care". Each hub includes an unbiased, academic overview as well as a wide array of related material, such as academic journals, videos, audio files, reference material, news articles, images, statistics, primary sources, case overviews, links to trustworthy outside websites and more. 

Gale In Context:  Opposing Issues also provides viewpoint articles which provide a variety of different views on an issue. 

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Topic Pages also offer the ability to search within a topic page for another key word related to the broader topic in order to quickly access a smaller, more targeted list of results.

Example: Search for "health care" on the Gender Identity topic page if you are researching whether sex reassignment surgery is medically necessary. 

This feature allows you to quickly access, review and compare highly relevant content in order to develop a well-rounded understanding of your research topic. This content features a diverse array of authors, publications, and media types.

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Search Examples with diverse perspectives from the above search:

Gale In Context:  Global Issues offers a unique Browse Map tool which allows researchers to target a specific country on an interactive map in order to quickly locate Topic Pages related to that country. Topic pages, including Country topic pages, will provide a quick pathway to locating content from a diverse array of authors across a variety of issues impacting a set region.

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Example:  Select "United States" from the Map and then select the United States Topic Page to locate quick facts about the country as well as a wide variety of content types, publication titles, video's and more. Select "News" and filter by "publication title" to locate news publications published outside of the U.S. for an international perspective, such as "Globe & Mail", published in Canada and "The Times", published in England. Narrow your search further by using the "Search Within" filter to search for a topic or keyword within the selected publications.

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The Topic Finder results for “veteran mental health” will bring up broadly connected subjects like “mental health stigma,” along with more refined results such as "Veterans Byline". Within this subject you can narrow your results further by selecting "PTSD" from the additional subjects shown in order to locate eight (8) veteran-written articles about PTSD and it's treatment and impact within the veteran community.

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